
Member Since: 11-Jun-13
Location: US
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Just getting started
HiI am Mandy. I am 55, married with 3 adult children. New here and to all of this.
I am not sure what else to write since I am the first.

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Member Since: 22-Aug-13
Location: CA
Posts: 9
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Just getting started
new here also and meeting many gals to help me figure out what i like or should i say what my pussy likes
they have been good to me and are willing to talk me through new stuff yahoo

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Member Since: 22-Aug-13
Location: CA
Posts: 9
Forum Level:
Just getting started
new here also and meeting many gals to help me figure out what i like or should i say what my pussy likes
they have been good to me and are willing to talk me through new stuff yahoo

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Member Since: 4-Oct-14
Location: US
Posts: 12
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Just getting started
I page through the photos here and it all looks so wonderful. I just turned 74 and what I used to have seems to have gone away while I wasn't paying attention to it. I guess it all comes down to "enjoy it while you have it".

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